Secondary school teachers or prospective teachers interested in qualifying to teach world literature or interdisciplinary humanities courses can obtain an M.A.T. degree in Comparative Literature.
- Certification of reading proficiency in at least one foreign language
- B.A. degree in Comparative Literature or an individual literature such as English, French, Spanish, or German.
M.A.T. coursework
The M.A.T. degree requires a total of 36 hours of course work with a minimum of 20 hours in Comparative Literature, including C305 Comparative Approaches to Literature: Theory and Method or C501 Introduction to Contemporary Literary Studies.
Of these, no more than six hours may be in approved courses on the 300 or 400 level that do not normally carry graduate credit.
Emphasis in course work may be on any area of literary study including cross-cultural literary relations, or literature and the arts (music, film, and the visual arts).
M.A.T. candidates are encouraged to design a program of study that includes some teaching-oriented courses offered by other graduate programs or the School of Education, as well as Comparative Literature C507 Teaching Methods in Comparative Literature and C509 Teaching Internship in Comparative Literature.
Carefully plan your course of study in consultation with the departmental graduate advisor and the advising staff of the School of Education.
M.A.T. examination
When other requirements are complete, the M.A.T. candidate takes a 90-minute written exam comparing two texts, based on an individual reading list. One text may be a work of art in a non-literary medium. If two literary texts are compared, one must be in a foreign language.
The student must select two readers for his or her examination. Consult with the Director of Graduate Studies for approval of the readers and reading list.
Official requirements for our graduate degrees can be found by clicking on the Bulletin below:
2022-23: Comparative Literature University Graduate School Academic Bulletin
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